DW Event Wizard: Panel 1
Nov 15, 2010

This is where you will enter the basic information for your event, such as location, times, logo, and description. It is the information that will appear on the "landing page" for your event website.

Progress Bar

The progress bar at the top of the Wizard will show you where you are and what is still lacking until your setup is complete. However you can also skip steps if they are not relevant (for example if you don't have programming details such as classes).


In the description you can enter as much text as necessary, to take advantage of the possibility of including content and search-engine relevant words in your event landing page.

Inline Account Creation

You can decide whether to require the creation of user accounts (where the contact and other relevant information of registrants will be saved in the case of future events) or inline account creation, where the user only enters their information and nothing is saved. User accounts are useful for associations and companies that benefit from retaining their registrant information, while inline accounts are useful for organizations or companies that only plan on interacting with their attendees once.


This give you the option--highly recommended--to upload an image to accompany your event on the landing page.


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